Digital Divide, Vol.1
There’s a digital divide that exists in the U.S. today. Up To Code Academy decided to do something about it! We proudly present Digital Divide, Vol.1.
Unit 1: "Meet The Expert"
Unit 1, Lesson 1: “Numbers Don’t Lie”
Unit 1, Lesson 1 Quiz
Unit 1, Lesson 2: "Divided We Fall"
Unit 1, Lesson 2 Quiz
Unit 1, Lesson 3: "Blacks and Latinos in Tech"
Unit 1: "Ask George"
Unit 1, Lesson 3 Quiz
Unit 2: "Meet The Expert"
Unit 2, Lesson 1 : “Access Denied”
Unit 2, Lesson 1 Quiz
Unit 2, Lesson 2: “Technical Difficulties”
Unit 2, Lesson 2 Quiz
Unit 2, Lesson 3: “Digital Literacy”
Unit 2, Lesson 3 Quiz
Unit 2: "Ask George"
Unit 3: "Meet The Expert"
Unit 3, Lesson 1: “Mentors and Allies”
Unit 3, Lesson 1 Quiz
Unit 3, Lesson 2: “Resources”
Unit 3, Lesson 2 Quiz
Unit 3, Lesson 3: “Changing the Game”
Unit 3, Lesson 3 Quiz
Unit 3: "Ask George"